• Pay by Link

Payment by Link

Payment by link is a product of TAMI that allows merchants to list products and receive payments. The user creates a link through the merchant portal for the product to be listed and paid for. The user then shares this link with the customer to receive payment.

Link Creation:

Click on the Payment by Link page on the left menu in the workplace portal and then click on the Create New Link button on the top right. The link is created by adding the product image, name, amount and additional information for the product to be listed and paid for. The selected additional information affects the properties of the link page.

  • If the product is a physical product, the address information field is added on the link page by selecting “Request address information”. If not selected, this field will not appear and address information will not be requested from the user.
  • When the installment sales option is selected, the appropriate installments are listed on the link page. If the workplace is not authorized for installment sales, this field is not selectable.
  • The 3ds-free sales option is selectable if the workplace has 3ds-free sales authorization. In case it is selected, 3D payment option is offered on the link page.
  • Product stock can be limited so that incoming payment requests are rejected when stock runs out.
  • If multiple product purchases are not allowed, the user cannot purchase more than one product at a time.

Receiving payment from the link page:

The created link is shared with the customer. The customer accesses information about the product and makes payment by entering the buyer and payment information on the page. Depending on the features selected at the link creation stage, they can pay in installments, with/3 without 3D. Address information is shown on the page if requested during link creation. If the product stock is out of stock, or if more than one product purchase is not allowed, an error message is given in the payment step.

Redirection to the results page after payment:

If the transaction is completed successfully, you will be redirected to the successful transaction result page with order information. If an error is received, the error message is displayed

Listing and editing of created links:

The links created from the Payment by Link page in the workplace portal are listed and can be edited if desired. Links can be closed/opened for sale instantly.

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