Error Codes

Error Code Descriptions
4020 The transaction has not been approved
4021 Check your card information
4022 Check the amount field and try again.
4023 Insufficient balance.
4024 The transaction has been cancelled.
4025 Your Card is Closed for E-Commerce Transactions. Call Your Bank..
4026 Try again
4027 The transaction could not be canceled
4028 The transaction could not be canceled.
4029 Restricted Card/Valid in own country.
4030 The daily number of transactions has been exceeded. Try again later
4031 Password Entry Limit Exceeded.
4032 Password is incorrect. Password Entry Limit Exceeded.
4033 Information was received that was incompatible with the original transaction. Please check your information and try again.
4034 Account balance is not sufficient
4035 System failure
4036 Try again
4037 Check the currency format
4038 Please check the order number format and try again.
4039 After checking the currency field, try the transaction again.
4040 Check the customer IP address field and take action again.
4041 Please check the installment field and try again.
4042 The final status of the order is not suitable for this action
4043 Only the sales transaction can be marked as recurring.
4044 No pre-authorization transaction was found for the order number for which pre-authorization is required. Please pre-authorize before closing.
4045 Check the order number
4046 Installments cannot be used in foreign currencies.
4047 Installments cannot be used in points transactions.
4048 Transactions cannot be made with the same order number
4049 Pre-authorization cannot be closed for a transaction that has not been pre-authorized.
4050 Point transactions are only allowed for sales or cancellations.
4051 A transaction that has been pre-authorized cannot be closed again.
4052 A refund cannot be made for a refunded transaction.
4053 Credit Card limit is insufficient.
4054 Incorrect operation
4055 ID Checked/Approved
4056 Invalid Transaction Amount
4057 The transaction could not be performed.
4058 Card Balance-Credit Limit Insufficient
4059 Incorrect Card Password
4060 Closed for Card Transaction Type
4061 Withdrawal Limit Exceeded
4062 Number of password attempts exceeded.
4063 Card's Virtual Limit Is Not Enough
4064 Pre-Authorization not found
4065 Pre-Authorization amount and Closing Amount Not Matched.
4066 3D Secure Password Verification Failed
4067 Invalid Installment/Transaction Amount
4068 Number of Statements and Installments is Incompatible
4069 Org. Full Transaction Refunded.
4070 No International Card Transaction Permission
4071 No Merchant Amex Transaction Permission
4072 Merchant Amex Definitions Missing
4073 Campus Card is Not a Suitable Workplace
4074 Sector Closed to Installments.
4075 Refunds Cannot Be Made With Debit Card
4076 This process cannot be cancelled.
4077 Canceled transaction cannot be refunded
4078 Installment Transactions Cannot Be Made with Debit Cards.
4079 The total refund amount exceeded the original amount.
4080 Incorrect Order Number
4081 Entire Transaction Refunded.
4082 Incorrect Number of Installments
4083 Point Amount is Incorrect
4084 Number of Installments Cannot be Sent in Sales Transaction with Points
4085 Installment Provision Closing Transaction Cannot Be Done in Foreign Currency
4086 Pre-Authorization canceled
4087 Unauthorized Installment Transaction.
4088 Member Merchant does not have 3D Transaction Authorization.
4089 Member merchants can only make 3D transactions.
4090 Transaction is refundable
4091 In case of transaction cancellation
4092 Please check the Card Owner information and try again.
4093 Reference transaction has been returned
4094 Pre-Authorization canceled
4095 Transaction Canceled Due to Technical Reasons.
4096 Number of Installments Cannot be Sent in Sales Transaction with Points
4097 The transaction to be refunded has already been refunded.
4098 The transaction to be canceled has already been cancelled.
4099 Point Amount is Incorrect
4100 The final status of the order is not suitable for this action
4101 The card is not included in the 3D Secure program
4102 3D Secure verification of the card could not be done
4103 3D Password verification failed.
4104 Verification failed
4105 Invalid repeat transaction information
4106 Invalid Number of Repeat Transactions
4107 Invalid recurring transaction end date
4108 The recurring transaction end date must be before the expiration date.
4109 Transaction Confirmed
4110 Number of password attempts exceeded.
4111 The original transaction was rejected.
4112 The point amount cannot be more than the transaction amount.
4113 The Amount field must be between 0.01 - 200,000.
4114 Transaction not found. Please check the order number and try again.
4115 Cancellation/Refund amount cannot be greater than the original transaction amount.
4116 This process cannot be cancelled.
4117 The amount entered may be as much as 15% more or less than the original transaction amount.
4118 Transactions cannot be made with the same order number
4119 3D verification step successful
4120 3D verification step failed
4121 The order has already been returned.
4122 Payment failed
4123 The number of Commercial Card installments cannot be more than the defined number of installments.
4124 The number of Commercial Card installments must be greater than 1
4125 The payment was rejected because the verification step failed.
4126 invalid transaction
4127 Installments cannot be made for the transaction to be performed.
4128 A transaction that has been pre-authorized cannot be closed again.
4129 Successful Transaction
4130 Cash advances cannot be withdrawn with this card.
4131 No Records Found
4132 Limit is insufficient
4133 Incorrect password
4134 The number of Commercial Card installments cannot be more than the defined number of installments.
4135 The number of Commercial Card installments must be greater than 1
4136 The payment was rejected because the verification step failed.
4137 Amount limit exceeded (DELETE)
4138 Amount limit exceeded
4139 Successful password change
4140 Transactions Not Allowed with Card
4141 Invalid transaction - Card
4142-5485 We can't process right now. Reference Error Code TAMİ 8512-XXXX
9999 We can't process right now. Contact Tami.
5486 Partial cancellation amount must be less than transaction amount
5487 Partial cancellation cannot be made a second time for the same transaction.
5488 Partial pre-authorization cannot be canceled for orders that have been pre-automized.
5489 Only TL transactions can be made with Amex cards.
5490 General Error
5491 Only 3D transactions can be made with Debit Cards
5492 Installment transactions cannot be made with this card.
5493 You need to do the process in 3D.
5494 This currency is not supported
5495 Only partial cancellation can be made for an order with multiple pre-authorization closures.
5496 The number of characters used for points exceeds the limit. Check and try again
5497 This merchant is not allowed to make transactions with this card.
5498 UnionPay online payment is not active for this card
5499 Data-Pay is not active for this card

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