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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Key Value
correlationId Correlation{{randomNumber}}
PG-Auth-Token {{merchantNumber}}:{{terminalNumber}}:{{hash}}
PG-Api-Version V2

In the header section, correlationId and PG-Auth-Token parameters are expected to be transmitted. correlationId must be transmitted as a string unique value for each transaction. PG-Auth-Token parameter consists of merchantNumber, terminalNumber and hash information of the merchant as stated in the table. For hash information, merchantNumber, terminalNumber and secretKey information of the merchant is obtained by hashing with sha256 and converting it to string.


    "errorCode": 4015,
    "errorMessage": " The Security Hash field must be transmitted. Check and try again",
    "success": false,
    "systemTime": "2024-03-30T12:08:40.526596076",
    "correlationId": "correlation9975",
    "SecurityHash": "qSHq2JE7cmxqYx+2x4FSBaR6q2fqRhUFlA9uVmuinL4="

The error received is the error received when the SecurityHash value expected to be sent in the request is not sent. In the request, the "securityHash" parameter is expected to be calculated and transmitted according to the desired values. We recommend that you check these fields and try the operation again and If the error continues, we kindly ask you to send us the fields that make up the SecurityHash value and the hash value you created.


    "errorCode": 4003,
    "errorMessage": " Inconsistent hash value sent in header",
    "success": false,
    "systemTime": "2024-03-30T12:08:40.526596076",
    "correlationId": "correlation9975",
    "SecurityHash": "qSHq2JE7cmxqYx+2x4FSBaR6q2fqRhUFlA9uVmuinL4="

"PG-Auth-Token" parameter should be passed in the header in all sales, cancellation/refund, pre-authorization, pre-authorization closure, 3D sales and 3D sales completion requests.

This information consists of "merchantNumber:TerminalNumber:Hash" information of the merchant. The hash information is expected to be calculated according to the requested values and added to the PG-Auth-Token parameter.

This is an error message that may occur during the 3D Secure authentication process. When the mdStatus code returns as "1" from the 3D Secure system, it means that the transaction is "Full Secure", that is, the code sent to the cardholder is entered and continued.

In cases other than Full Secure, the transaction is either rejected or the half secure verification response is returned to the merchant.

Other mdStatus values and their descriptions are also below.



mdStatus = 0

3D Secure signature invalid or verification

mdStatus = 2

Cardholder or bank not registered in the system

mdStatus = 3

The bank of the card is not registered in the system

mdStatus = 4

Verification attempt, cardholder chose to register later in the system

mdStatus = 5

Unable to verify

mdStatus = 6

3-D Secure error

mdStatus = 7

System error

mdStatus = 8

Unknown card number



    "errorCode": 2011,
    "errorMessage": " This terminal is not authorized for installment sales ",
    "success": false,
    "systemTime": "2024-03-30T12:08:40.526596076",
    "correlationId": "correlation9975",
    "SecurityHash": "qSHq2JE7cmxqYx+2x4FSBaR6q2fqRhUFlA9uVmuinL4="

In order for the merchant to make installment transactions, the installment authorization of the POS in Tami must be open. When you receive this error, you can contact Tami for a request to open installment authorization.


If the transaction is successful as a result of the 3D verification step, the money is not yet debited from the card. In order to complete the transaction, the /complete-3ds service must be called with the order number information whose 3D verification was successful.

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